Our Philosophy
Our dream for our tamariki is that they will live their lives following their passions and seeking to make the world a better place. The world of tomorrow will be different from the world of today. We want our tamariki to be future-focused problem solvers.
Our curriculum encompasses both the intentional and the spontaneous while following the principles, strands and learning outcomes of Te Whāriki. Children learn through fun and play in both imaginative and real/authentic contexts. Children have agency to create, to act and to make decisions on matters that relate to them.
We take every opportunity to learn in and through the natural environments of our playgrounds and gardens, the local bush/ngahere in Cameron Park and further afield. In these spaces children learn about their world, and the challenges that our local environment and wider environments face.
Our children are competent and confident learners – each with their own mana and individuality. We want them to be capable communicators and contributors. We foster social dispositions and skills so that our tamariki build, maintain and learn with and through relationships with older and younger children and adults. Learning to respect, understand and value difference and fairness is an important part of learning and our teaching strategies seek to open doors to this learning.
Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu. Although they are little, they are precious.
Our kindergarten aspires to be a bicultural learning environment. We actively seek to build our community’s knowledge and understanding of the cultural heritages of both partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Building our te reo Māori competency is a key part of this journey.
Our tamariki, whānau, teachers and wider community collaborate as a community of learners to identify aspirations and experiences for learning. We follow the principles of whanaungatanga to build strong partnerships with all our whānau. We listen to and support each other and respect the culture and values of all.